
Saturday, December 25, 2010

fuuuhhhhhh... lega~~

Alhamdulillah... selesai sudah kenduri hari nie :)

i present to you..... me for today :D

tema hari nie ialah baju kotak2...

niat asalnye, mama nak buat kenduri agak besar sikit.. sempena :

1. kakak n abang grad
2. adik punye result upsr
3. untuk rezeki yang kami terima
4. untuk semua nye :)

however, mama found a new way to show gratefulness...
she decided to do it differently this time and in the future...
from now on, mama will make some donation to those in need...
thus, she canceled everything...

no invitation to friends... just to the closest one...
but none of our friend were invited...
only family and neighbours..

when guests asked kak nik what the kenduri for, she answered as written above...
from number 1 until 4..
when ayah was asked, he said it's for ma tok... to gather everyone to meet ma tok...
mama's answer, was entirely different... she said we just wanna treat everyone...
belanja2 makan :)
when they asked me... i just answered, "tak tau"..

here comes the interesting part of this kenduri...

pertama sekali, kami cabut plug kerusi urut rumah nie...
bukan apa...sekadar langkah berjaga jaga..
dulu kami ada 1 kerusi urut nie..
tak de lah sehebat yang sekarang...
tapi cukup sekadar mampu gegarkan lemak2 dan daging2 lebihan badan ini...

kerusi dulu tu rosak sebab mereka2 suka sangat gegarkan badan mereka... sehingga kerusi tu tak behenti rehat langsung untuk sehari ditambah dengan kealpaan mereka untuk off selepas guna...
we cant afford to spoil this one :)

kedua, kami sorokkan bola foosball dan semua cap nye :) hhehehhe

tujuan kami, takut bola tu hilang...
disebabkan rasa simpati kakak pada mereka yang cuba bermain foosball tu, dia minta yanie n adik keluarkan bolanye..
n guess what? bola tu hilang!

ketiga, kami sorok kan glass chess under my bed :D
dulu mama ada beli 1 set chess marble yang cantik dan sempurna...
pada satu hari, kami buat open house...
dan saya masih tak lupa apa yang saya nampak...
budak2 kecik tu maen perang2 dengan menggunakan buah chess tu sebagai peluru :O
dan kami tak buat apa2 untuk behentikan mereka...
mama sayang chess set baru tu dan dia tak nak pisang berbuah dua kali...
oh ya... marble chess tu masih wujud dan mereka berpakaian salotape :D

keempat, kami cabut plug treadmill...
tapi tadi, saya tetap pasang jgak... tengok rania macam bersungguh nak exercise :)
nasib baek tak de apa sangat jadi... masih elok dan selamat :D

ok... i'm exhausted right now... the only reason i'm staying is for my adorable nephew...
i'm amar :) i have a big wide eyes...

his mum fetch him just now... i have no reason to stay awake anymore...
ok... now i wanna go to sleep...
gud nite :D

so.. to be continued :)

Friday, December 17, 2010


STE : Soaring the Eagle

it's a programme organise by PETRONAS for their scholars...
i just got back from that course...
at last, i complete it :D

i joined the juniors as i didnt manage to complete my previous one...
you know what, i dont have any regret at all... to have my second ste...
i thank God that i fell at OBS and thus, i fell sick during my first ste and repeat it this time..

masa awal nak pergi tu, serious memang teramat sangat reluctant to go..
hari sabtu sampai situ, masih tak de apa yang menarik...
hari isnin, agak ok... but nothing much...

ohhhhh yaaaa... i went there with liyana and other 4 juniors from ktj...
obviously, liyana was my roommate...
on monday, she kinda get the ste mood...

on tuesday, she already has the ste spirit...
memang dah sayang dah kat kumpulan dia...
tapi saya, ok ok je... masih macam biasa...

malam tu, adalah malam saya mula rasa ste spirit...
everything started when strong syukri (one of my group member) asked either i'm a senior...
to be honest, i was surprised... i thought everyone knew...

bila dia dah tau, sudah pasti di pass kan pengetahuan tu pada risk taker rul...
since then, i found my 2 little brothers i never knew existed...
they keep on calling me akak, kakak or kak...
and non stop make fun of me..
nothing i did was right...

but you know what, saya tak terasa pun... sikit pun tak..
i feel comfortable instead... they make me feel accepted..
i feel easy around them...

the next day, i got sick... they (the petronas officer) send me to hospital port dickson....
i just wanted some panadol... but then, the doctor prescribe me lots of medicines.. i mean LOTS...
it turned out to be, i was really sick...

owwwwhhhh... liyana was very nice...
like really nice.. she massage me in the morning...
and she was very concern about my health...
thanks liyana :D
glad to have you around....

ohhh... that day was also the day everyone knew i'm a year older than them :)
nazrin was the last one to know... and the funny part was when he said...

"lepas nie kecoh la semua orang tau :D"

hahhahhahaaa... he didnt know he was the last person to know... until i told him :D

on the last night, we planed not to sleep at all...
ok.. not we... but most of my group members...
since i was sick, i wanted to sleep early...

i dont know how, i manage to stay up until 4 in the morning..
but i slept in my room..
the others slept in the guys house after they finished talking and played some cards.. or maybe they slept while playing cards..

that night for game truth or dare, they asked me...

"who is the hottest guy and girl in this group?"

for girls, it wasnt hard... i answered mei...
for guys, it wasnt easy... for me, all guys are same..
i mean in the sense of attractiveness...
but then, i answered nazrin and amin....
hah... didnt really mean it... i wish i can answer all guys :D
cause i really find all guys in my group are great in their own way...
the girls as well of course :D

here, i would like to express my highest gratitude to my group members, group 2..
especially to rul and syukri... u guys really make my ste meaningful and memorable..

thanks again to my long lost brothers whom i never knew existed :D
picture as requested by risk taker :D
from left : rul and syukri (credit to aiman)

so.. to be continued :)