
Tuesday, July 26, 2011


"Minnie Mouse is adorable.Even the real one.If only you know what I mean."

saya amik ayat kat atas dari blog seorang rakan sekolej.. i know none of you understand what it means but i totally understand it :D

he posted it like ages ago but i just found it.. rasa macam nak gelak sebab tak sangka dia akan cuba tunjukkan apa dia rasa... dekat blog plak tu :D
so.. to be continued :)

Monday, July 25, 2011


i still cant accept the fact that boy and girl cant even be friends...

kalau tak boleh couple tu, sangat lah faham.. tapi nak borak2 n lepak2 pun tak boleh, macam agak susah nak terima..

bukti dah depan mata memang tak boleh, tapi masih susah rasa nak terima..

so.. to be continued :)

Sunday, July 17, 2011


it has been so long since my last post. but i have valid reasons for it :)

okay, first of all, i've been busy with my papers... then i had OBS and right after that i had BTN. memang sangat tak sempat nak menulis kat blog nie.

my BTN ended last saturday and i know it has been a week but i was so busy with other insignificant stuff.
i wanted to post something on OBS or BTN.. tapi tak rajen la rasa nak karang panjang sekarang. so, saya hanye up date kan dengan gamba sahaja buat masa sekarang :)

pictures i took while waiting in the car :D

awak, you know who you are :D

a picture i found while browsing old pictures :D it was taken last year early july, right after OBS

so.. to be continued :)