
Thursday, December 8, 2011

hati yang basah

currently islamic society (ISOC) is busy planning for discover islam week (DIW)

this is the only picture i have during the meeting

talking about discovering islam, it makes me wonder... what is islam? who is muslim?
is islam just a religion and belief? or perhaps like common answer when muslims were ask the definition of islam to them,

"islam is a way of life"

who are muslims?
are they guys who have beard and girls who wear hijab?

i first started knew Him in KTJ.. and i get to know Him and his messenger (pbuh) here, which islam is not the official religion...

during Rasulullah (pbuh) time, he started dakwah by correcting the akidah of the disbeliever.. once we accept Him as the the only God and Rasulullah (pbuh) his messenger, we will voluntarily do our duty.. the reason why we are created...

while sight seeing at birm, my friends and i stopped at this one booth.. booth for those who have enquiries about islam.. they also provided lots of free flyers, such as the mystery of hijab, what bible says about muhammad (pbuh), get to know islam, as well as tafsir of Quran..

it was really amazing.. it's not just for the non muslims... it's also for muslims who want to get to know islam... and once you enter the world of islam, you wish you will never leave.. the feeling is just amazing.. i never felt like this before, in malaysia...

anisah pernah tanye kak fiza, macam mana kita nak bagi adik2 kita, kawan2 kita yang laen dapat rasa macam apa kita rasa?
dari apa saya nampak, cara pendekatan di malaysia kurang berkesan.. amalam tanpa kefahaman kurang maknanye..

seperti contoh, perempuan pakai tudung tapi perkataan yang keluar dari mulut dia penuh dengan bahasa yang kasar...
kalau awak baca article mystery of hijab, awak sangat akan rasa waaaaaaaaaa *dengan mulut tenganga*
"hijab is a veil of heart"

balik pada soalan anisah, kak fiza kata :
awak sampai kan apa awak rasa.. hanya hati yang basah dapat membasahkan hati orang laen..

hati kita nie berongga dan pasti akan dipenuhi dengan sesuatu.. macam sponge basuh pinggan tu.. kalau rongga tu kosong, ia akan serap apa yang ada dikelilingnye... awak faham kan maksud saya? :D

ada satu kata2 dari alumni LSE nie yang sangat menarik minat saya... dia memberi katak sebagai analogy.. kalau kita letak katak dalam air, ia akan duduk je kat situ.. kalau kita panaskan air tu, katak tu tak akan cuba melompat sebab badannye makin biasa dengan air yang panas, sehingga ia mati kepanasan...

kata2 alumni tu:

we become climatise with evil around us

and that's what we need to avoid...

akhir kata, have a nice day :D

Assalamualaikum :)

so.. to be continued :)

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

problem set 2

why the name is problem set?
because the set is full of problems...

what about the no '2' there?
because that's our second problem set for this term...

i wish to keep on whining about how difficult the set is.. but then, every time i think about it, i remember kak zaf's advice to kak mai.. she said, "mai, i rasa you patut buat kerje you sikit2.. tiap kali you duduk diam tak buat apa, you buat essay you.. tiap kali you dalam tube, you buat lagi sikit.. buat sikit demi sikit.. insyaAllah, akan siap on time"..

i dont think that's the actual sentence she said but the point is there...

4 more days to go, then i'm done with school... for this term -.-'

i hope all of you who dont have essays to hand in or problem set to be done, or maybe course work to do, have a nice day :)
and please pray that we manage to do it in time, and get good grades :D

Assalamualaikum :)

so.. to be continued :)


when i read my previous post about my friends and i at warwick, somehow.. hurrrmmm, i dont like it.. i find it very childish..

blogs that write plainly about their day, is boring..

for next summer, made in europe organises a charity project to go to bosnia.. my interview is this sunday.. please pray the best for me :D
i really wanna go to bosnia :)

so.. to be continued :)