
Tuesday, December 6, 2011

problem set 2

why the name is problem set?
because the set is full of problems...

what about the no '2' there?
because that's our second problem set for this term...

i wish to keep on whining about how difficult the set is.. but then, every time i think about it, i remember kak zaf's advice to kak mai.. she said, "mai, i rasa you patut buat kerje you sikit2.. tiap kali you duduk diam tak buat apa, you buat essay you.. tiap kali you dalam tube, you buat lagi sikit.. buat sikit demi sikit.. insyaAllah, akan siap on time"..

i dont think that's the actual sentence she said but the point is there...

4 more days to go, then i'm done with school... for this term -.-'

i hope all of you who dont have essays to hand in or problem set to be done, or maybe course work to do, have a nice day :)
and please pray that we manage to do it in time, and get good grades :D

Assalamualaikum :)

so.. to be continued :)

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