
Thursday, April 26, 2012

mama oh mama

beberapa hari lepas mama ada hantar email untuk minta saya kurang makan chocolate.. saya tanye anisah, normal ke mak hantar email minta anak dia kurangkan makan chocolate?

dan anisah jawab, bahagian mak pesan tu biasa... tapi pesan kurang makan chocolate (??), tu mungkin luar biasa sikit..

mama saya luar biasa kan? :D

tadi ada baca post2 lama dan terbaca post masa saya demam kat ktj.. akhir tu saya tulis, nak kena out sebab mama dah call suruh tido dan rehat.. apparently dari dulu mama dah biasa pesan mende2 pelik :)

so, akhir kata... love your parents :D

And your Lord has decreed that you not worship except Him, and to parents, good treatment. Whether one or both of them reach old age [while] with you, say not to them [so much as], "uff," and do not repel them but speak to them a noble word.

Surat Al-'Isrā' , 17:23

thanks singgah blog nie :D
Have a nice day! :D

so.. to be continued :)


nabila ssi said...
check this out. might help you a bit. there's bitterness in every sweetness of chocs =)

afiqah said...

sikit je lagi nabila nak summer :) sikit lagi :) sabar ye :)

take care and all the best! :)