
Monday, March 10, 2014

some of my stories in curtin

Assalamualaikum :)

As the title speaks for itself, I will be sharing some of my experiences here, in Curtin Miri, not Perth not Singapore or any other Curtin branch universities. do you know that there are five Curtin campuses around the world? which makes me wonder, what's the point of having many campuses if you're not even one of the top universities? no need to compare with universities around the world, even among Australian universities, you're not really in a good place. to add with that, your minimum requirement is too low. okay, persoalan saya berhenti sampai di sini. sambung pada hikayat hidup saya pula :)

so, lots of my friends in London asked me, "how's miri?". and my answer was

"try to imagine a transition that I'm going through from London, a city that never sleep to Miri, a city that never live/awake"

it's more like living in ktj except I can't go home every weekend. My first week was a torture, the time was killing me. i felt like things were not moving and I tried to sleep most of the time just to kill time.

However, I find it not that bad anymore. I can update my blog, I can go for a jog, I watched numerous documentaries, read so many articles and now, I've adapted to a slow, mundane life in Miri. no more complains.

apa apa pun, saya nak share sedikit perbualan dengan mereka mereka di sini yang saya rasa agak menarik.

soalan norma yang kita terima apabila masuk universiti, "sebelum ni belajar mana, buat apa?"

dan saya jawab, "buat a level, dekat ktj"

dia : "ohhh. tak fly ke?"

saya : "oh, fly. sebelum ni belajar kat sini (tunjuk note book LSE)"

dia : "oh, kat mana tu?"

saya : "London School of Economis, LSE"

dia : "oh, kat UK eh? kat mana?"

saya : "kat London"

dia : "kat Manchester eh"

saya : "tak tak. kat London"

apparently there are many people who knew the existence of LSE and to my surprise, they are engineering students. the person I had the conversation above was with an accounting and finance student and she never heard of LSE. okay, I give her credit for knowing that those who do A-level intend to study abroad even though I find her question about Manchester was rather amusing.

next is about me worrying for my electricity bill because I did not realise that only allocation of 50 ringgit for electricity is included is our rent. if we exceed the allocation, we have to pay the exceeded amount ourself. so, I had this conversation with my friend;

saya : I'm a bit worried about my bill cause I on my aircond for 24/7 on my first week here.

dia : what do you mean by 24/7? you use it for 24 minutes and 7 seconds?

saya : oh, tak tak. maksudnya i on 24 jam sehari.

saya rasa saya share dua perbualan ni je buat masa sekarang.

oh, lupa nak tambah. dah berhari hari hutan dekat dengan curtin terbakar tapi hari ni yang paling dasyat. rasa macam berjalan dalam awan siap dengan salji lagi. cuma masalahnya, bila nafas bau asap sangat kuat sampai sakit tekak dan salji dia tak berwarna putih, dia warna hitam atau kelabu (abu).

okay, tamat sudah hikayat kali ini :)

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