
Wednesday, October 27, 2010


we are on paper!!!

dont forget to buy NST on 27th of October 2010 ok :D

even though my picture and even my name isnt there, i'm happy at least the event is mentioned :)
and most importantly, pictures of my friends are there..
kebetulan semua nye gamba kawan2 sy :)

btw, afiqah is back!!

like shaima n hana said...
the happy go lucky and cheerful afiqah :)
dont be surprised if u see me smile and laughing...
i know i've been the sad n sick afiqah for 2 weeks...

i'm kinda miss the joyful afiqah as much as you do~
i've fully recovered :)

i'll try my best not to let this kind of thing happen ever again...
owwhhh yaaaa~~ i have accounting n economics AS this friday...
please pray for me... i need an A... desperate for A...

to all other upper sixers, GUD LUCK :D
i wish u guys all the best too :)

so.. to be continued :)


LeEnaLeEn said...

hye..i read it already..congrate ya!
pic mereka pown i dah tgk..huhu..

gdluck 4 ur exam!

afiqah said...

they suit each other arent they? :D

thanks awak :)