
Saturday, January 29, 2011

things i dont like...

1. when i dont have enough money to spend... how much is enough? when i can get everything i want... trust me... i dont want much...

2. when my heart full of hate.. like when i drive, i feel wanna hit the car in front of me.. feel like want to scold my sisters... make my mum upset.. yell to everyone around me...

3. when anyone near me ask me either i'm okay or not when i'm mad... extremely mad... just let me cool down first before you want to ask me anything...

4. when i cant help myself to stop crying... especially when i dont get the results as i wish... believe me, i'll cry non stop for days...

5. when i have bad thought about others... i'll hate myself for that after i get my conscious back...

6. when i spread rumors or say something bad about someone else... especially when i say the wrong fact... owwhhhhh... i really hate that... sometimes, i cant sleep thinking about it...

7. when i have to make decision that can effect someone else's life or my future.. i'm so used to follow orders... ok, i wont really call it orders.... opinion from someone who knows what is the best for me is a better choice of word... since the day i know the world, my mum and dad have been the one decide everything for me.. for spm, mama had decided what subject to get 1A, what subject to get 2A and 3B.... what i need and what i dont need... once they let me decide, i seriously dont know what to decide... i dont mind they decide everything for as i know they only want what's best for me... if possible, i want it to stay that way...

8. when people ask how much someone's parents earn... i never think that's a good question or the best way to socialise... trust me, i've met that kind of people... when you want to befriend with him or her, dont make who their parents are as one of the reason...

i think 8 is enough... trying not to hate too much things...

owwwwhhhhh... yanie and adik going to fly to new delhi tomorrow morning... kind of envy them...
they have the best flight.... only the best of the best...
stay at hotel that cost double than Hilton can charge them...
a business trip become a family trip... they have to move with mini bus as there are 12 of them... or more? hurrrmmmm.. tak kesah la.. i'll not be there pun...

apa2 pun, i'm happy for them.. maybe from there, they can learn something... jauh perjalanan, luas permandangan :D

so.. to be continued :)

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