
Tuesday, March 5, 2013


this post meant to be posted on the 6th of September 2012 :)

hari nie hari terakhir saya di PCSB Sabah... Petronas Carigali Sdn Bhd, salah satu subsidiary Petronas.. Hari ini, genap sebulan dan 6 hari saya di sini..

saya pernah kata dengan beberapa kawan saya nak share pengalaman saya kat sini.. jadi, elok lah saya mulakan hikayat saya :)

living here in Sabah, feels the same as if I live in London.. I'm not home and I live without mama ayah.. but, to look at the bright side of it, I have kakak with me :D

to do my internship here, mama spend for my flight tickets more than the allowance that petronas gave me ..

some of my friends asked me, why Sabah? do I need to do this? is it compulsory? and why only for a month? do I need the money?

just to make it clear, it's not compulsory for me to do any internship and no one told me to do it, neither Petronas, LSE or mama ayah.. i think it's the vibe studying in LSE, you feel like you must do everything.. if not, you are a total loser.. okay, mungkin dulu saya rasa macam tu.. sekarang, tak kesah apa pun.. next summer, nak duduk rumah je :D

alhamdulillah, saya diberi peluang untuk buat practical kat sini, sekali dengan raihan :) thanks to raihan and her dad, who helped me out to get a place here :)

the reason being why KK, because I dont want to work for two months or more and I'm in malaysia for less than 2 months! i want to spend more time at home, at least i wish to..

after spending a month here, it makes me more firm about my decision working with petronas in the future.. petronas itself, suits me..

I really like all my colleague, they are very generous in sharing their experiences and knowledge.. when I first started, I thought I'm just going to do some photocopy and watch korean drama all day long.. honestly, i felt a bit depressed not doing anything when i first started..

later on, our big boss start becoming more friendly to me and raihan.. he started to share his experiences in Sudan and his past experiences before he joined petronas.. to be honest, I learned a lot from his stories.. He is such a good boss..

one of the thing that I still remember until now is about a story where proton made a big lost due to a very small mistake.. the worker put a screw in the wrong direction which cause thousands of faulty cars.. he should have ask if he is not sure what to do.. so, the lesson learned is always be honest.. if you dont know, say you dont know.. you never know when your small mistake can become a very expensive one.. sebab tu kalau bos tanye, jangan tembak kalau tak tau.. terus terang cakap tak tau :)

sebab saya ada tembak je bila bos tanye soalan yang saya tak tau.. LOL

people started to give us work to do :) because we were annoyingly asking for a job LOL.. awal2 tu kan macam bosan sangat tak buat apa, kitaorang macam push sikit orang office bagi kerje.. dan alhamdulillah, encik bacho bagi kerje :DD a real work to do :)

it was fun at first.. after few days of doing the same thing, i felt bored.. we've been working on that thing for more than a week i think.. true that it dont require any expertise, but we need to be very meticulous so that we get the right figure at the end and so that we dont need to repeat the whole process..

throughout this internship, the thing that I learned the most is excel.. sometimes, I do feel embarrass with how noob i am with excel.. at least I learn something, alhamdulillah :)


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