
Friday, November 26, 2010


so, yesterday bath university send me an email...
or was it last week? hurrmmm.. i cant remember..
they want my 119 cert.. the thing is, i havent take my spm certificate yet...
since i have class tomorrow, i cant go home today...

esok dah sabtu... mana ada sekolah bukak hari sabtu...
mama tanye semalam saya nak balik tak minggu nie..
cakap la nak balik sebab nak uruskan sijil tu...
bleh tak.. semalam mama kata dia nak amik cuti hari nie untuk uruskan sijil saya..
since sekolah tak bukak hari sabtu.. dan saya tak bleh balik hari jumaat...

hurrrrmmmmm.... mama nie baik sangat la..
macam mana saya nak minta lebih... i have enough just having her as a mum :)

owhhhh... awak perasan tak... ada post tentang saya sedih tengok video malay french kiss...
dia punye tajuk saya tulis pelase instead of please...

baru perasan silap eja bila semalam hana baca blog nie depan saya...
she tried to pronounce it as how it is spell...
bayangkan... hana cuba sebut
banyak kali dia cuba untuk make sense of the word...

kenape eyh? semalam masa tu kitaorg gelak sakan sebab tu..
tapi bila saya type sekarang, tak rasa nak senyum pun.. dah tak rasa kelakar dah..
hurrrmmm... lawak basi~

ok.. i'm done for now :)

so.. to be continued :)

Saturday, November 20, 2010


u know... when we read novels... we wish our life would be as great as theirs...

the characters in the novel... a fairytale life...

macam perempuan dari keluarga susah kawin dengan laki dari keluarga senang..

atau jumpe ngan laki berlanggar kat LRT... buku terjatuh n laki tu tolong kutipkan buku...

then kawin, happily ever after...

I don’t know why, but I feel like I’m living a fairytale...

I may not have a boyfriend.. never had admirers... not teacher’s favourite.. not from a wealthy family... not as bright as my friends here...

But somehow, I feel like what I have is enough...

I have a really great family.. great friend.. I can’t wish for more...

Ok.. now I don’t know what else to write...

I think I wanna write a novel J

so.. to be continued :)

Thursday, November 18, 2010


everything started when yanie speaks her mind...
she wants to change... she wanna be good.. better...
so, she asked me to read a novel...
Versus by Hlovate..
which i recommend all of you to read..

this post will be extremely boring but i highly encourage you to continue your reading...
you may gain something.. Insya-Allah...

here are something i quoted from the novel...

1. page158

AO : macam mana nak jadi baik?

hairi : untuk jawab soalan tu, aku rasa it's best to define 'baik' tu dulu...

AO : huh... baik tu baik la..(nak explain macam mane lagi)

hairi : bagi aku, sesiape yang beriman dengan Allah tu 'baik'..

AO : okay...

hairi : beriman dengan Allah tu macam mana? kalau ikut kau, kau rasa apa yang kau faham dengan statement tu?

AO : apabila buat semua yang Allah suruh dan tinggalkan semua yang Dia larang?

hairi : betul.. couldn't say it better myself.. hence, kalau selagi ada benda yang tak settle, tu namanye belum cukup baik lagi la tu..

AO : vague...

hairi : kalau seorang perempuan tu pakai tudung tapi tak solat, belum cukup baik lagi. sama juga kalau cukup solat tapi tak tak pakai tudung, tak cukup baik.

AO : hhhmmmm....

hairi : sama juga kalau untuk contoh lelaki. Kalau baca Quran tiap2 hari tapi main bola nampak kepala lutut, tak cukup baik lagi. Atau kalau cukup solat lima waktu sehari semalam tapi pegang tangan anak dara orang yang bukan mahram sesuka hati, tu belum cukup baik lagi...

AO : macam tu...

hairi : sebab Allah dah kata, ya ayyuhallazina aamanudkhulu fissilmi kaaffah. it's in al-Baqarah ayat 208. Maksdunye kalau ditafsirkan secara kasar, Allah kata 'masuklah kamu ke dalam Islam sepenuhnye dan jangan ikut syaitan kerana dia musuh yang nyata'. Maknanye tak boleh la nak practise Islam tu secara juz'ie. secara berjuzuk-juzuk. Mana yang kita rasa kita nak buat, kita buat. Mana yang rasa tak nak buat kita redah langgar je. tak jadi la kalau macam tu. selagi tak embrace Islam tu penuh, tak cukup baik la kiranye.

AO : (dah macam susah sangat pulak nak jadi baik nie)

hairi : it's about masuk ke dalam Islam seluruhnye. then THAT is 'baik'. tu kira aku punye definasi yang aku pegang la. dan kalau nak diikutkan, aku pun belum cukup baik lagi. tapi berusaha ke arah itu. dan kita kene ingat. Allah tengok usaha, bukannye natijah atau hasil.

2. page 228

sun : you'll never reach perfection because there's always room for improvement. yet, along the way to perfection you'll learn to get better. Applicable for life in general i'd say.

minn : wonder why would people go for perfection if it's impossible then.

sun : ain't it nothing but the obvious? self satisfaction of course. if you do it to please everybody else but yourself, what's the point then? kalau buat mende untuk puaskan hati orang laen semata-mata, sampai bila2 pun kita tak puas hati kalau bukan tu mende yang kita nak.

minn : point taken.

3. page 252

all the verses in the Quran are like personal love letters from God to us. Tak percaya tengok dia punye translation. if you want to find solace and balm for the sore, the words will heal it straight away. ayat memujuk macam dalam al-Insyirah and ad-Dhuha. Sooth you anytime. sweet.


4. page 266

if you forget of what you were, you'd never be grateful of what you are. ingat tu. perlu selalu bersyukur dengan what you're now, and nonetheless before. kadang2 mende tu kita lupa.


hubungan dengan Allah nak kena jaga, hubungan dengan manusia jangan buat lupa.


5. page 270

Allah dah ketuk pintu hati, jangan sampai nanti Dia merajuk tak nak ketuk pintu hati kita lagi.

6. page 280

the messenger of Allah said : read the Qur'aan. for verily it will come forth on the Day of Resurrection as an intercessor(syafaat) for its readers. Reported by Muslim.

.....and he also said: the Qur'aan and its people, those who implemented it, will be brought forth on the Day of Resurrection, being led by Surat al-Baqarah and ali-Imran, to support their beholders.

7. page 286 (sambungan maksud baek)

hukum tuhan, siapa kita nak membangkang. takkan nak menangkan vogue fashion terkini lawan dengan hujah hukum kut


it's not about buat baik dulu or pakai tudung dulu. it's about masuk ke dalam Islam secara total. then THAT is 'baik'

tapi tu la. definasi 'baik' di malaysia, lain

sebab definisi tu dibentuk oleh masyarakat keliling

stereotaip yang acuannye mengikut kata masyarakat. kata majoriti. biasanye kita kat malaysia akan label baik tu apabila... say... a girl pakai tudung lepas ke bawah, then pakai long sleeves, dan pakai stoking siap. that's baik for malaysian standard. kira cukup baik la tu. alim kata orang kita. quote, unquote

tapi kena tengok balik. pergaulannye dengan different gender macam mana? terjaga atau tak? kalau bab aurat dah settle tapi pergi karaoke lounge, pergi cinema, pergi konsert, adakah masih boleh bawak lesen 'baik' tu jgak lagi?

sebab mende tu semua orang buat, dah jadi norm, mende tu kira tak salah, ey?

kadang2 kita terikut sangat dengan hukum manusia sampai lupa hukum Allah

8. page 287

... the beauty of Islam yang ramai orang tak perasan ialah... kalau kita praktik betul2 ikut apa yang dah tertulis, everything akan ikut domino effect sebenarnye

huh? domino effect? apa kaitan domino effect dengan Islam?

domino effect tu apabila ada permulaan yang akan trigger a series of chain reaction la gitu


maka... apabila kita dah settle dari sudut solat dan ibadat, kita juga sepatutnye secara langsung dah settle juga dari sudut hidup ikut syariat. sepatutnye kalau kita dah settle dari sudut aurat, secara langsung je kita sepatutnye akan settle jgak dari sudut ikhtilat (pergaulan with different gender)

9. page 301

you cant control your emotion . but you can always control your action


10. page 310

you can be the most beautiful bloom of all, only if you give yourself the chance to try the fertilizer


p/s : i changed the way of writing it a bit.. but basically, each word is copied word by word from the novel Versus by Hlovate

actually there are lots more that i wish to quote... but i think it's better if you read the book yourself...
all my quotation wont work for you if you don't know the beginning and the end of the story...

thanks for your time here :)

so.. to be continued :)

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


i've just finished all my AS papers...
econs paper 1 was the last one..

after i got back to the house, as usual my friends would come to my room....
mira tanye..

"afiqah, lepas nie nak buat ape? tido ah tak nak bangun2... hahhahhaha"

eerrrrkkkk... ok.. good idea..
tapi kan, saya memang dah teramat sangat bosan tido...
kalau anda tak tau... saya demam sangat teruk baru2 nie...
lepas balik dari exeat hari tu...

my fever was really bad that i cried in the middle of the night...
cause it was so painful.. my headache.. body ache.. flu.. cough..
to add with, part of my body was cold and part of it was hot...
i seriously didnt know what my body wants...

selimut, rasa panas... tapi kaki n tangan sejuk plak...
tak pakai selimut, sejuk menggigil...
kalau kat rumah, mama ayah akan amik turn untuk jaga saya...
yanie akan rasa dahi tangan kaki n badan... kalau kaki sejuk, dia pakai kan stokin.. kalau dahi panas dia letakkan sapu tangan basah...

alhamdulillah hari nie saya sehat :)
bleh jawab exam dengan biasa...

so, what i'm gonna do next?
first, i already did my hair... buat lah tocang ke ape...
then, i wanna on9.. stalk everyone...
then, i wanna walk this evening... owwhh... i havent jog for 5 days already!
then, i wanna do my maths :D

ok... that's all the plan for now...

so.. to be continued :)

Sunday, November 7, 2010


i miss my hometown... teramat sangat...

hari jumaat lepas, abang ajak pergi tengok wayang hari sabtu...
kat alamanda... i already said yes..
petangnye, kakak ajak pergi midvalley cari kasut hari sabtu..
n again, i said yes..

malam tu, baru lah fikir..
eyhhh... macam mane nak pergi dua2...

ntah macam mane... mama ajak balik kampung hari sabtu...

first, kakak n abang will accept my excuse... i cant go out with them on saturday...
second, i really really really miss kampung...

kat kampung, disebabkan terlalu banyak kasih sayang, saya yanie kakak n adik tido dalam kepanasan... hahhahahhaha... LOL

ok... i know it's weird, but my kampung has air conditioner...
so, of course we use blanket..
dalam jam 2 lebih, disebabkan mama sayang kami, dia selimutkan kami lagi... sebab dia kata kami tido meringkuk.. terlalu sejuk...
dan entah jam berape, my auntie teramat sayangkan kami, selimutkan kami lagi... kali nie bukan selimut nipis biasa.. dia selimutkan dengan comforter yang sangat tebal..

tengah2 tido, saya rasa macam...
apakah?? panas nye...

kasih sayang yang menghangatkan... LOL

ramai jgak ada kat kampung tadi... ingat tak pakcik saya yang isteri dia meninggal sehari sebelum tasputra dinner tu?
haaaa... pakcik saya yang tu ada pagi tadi :)
dia datang semata mata sebab mama balik kampung...

bila dengar kesah dia... terharu teramat sangat..
he still trying to get over his late wife...
ok... he has a big house at shah alam.. a really big house..
like syahir's i think...
he has a porsche.. he drove that car before...

but now, he's not living in his mansion and he dont drive his porsche anymore...
because he said he'll cry...
he lives at some small apartment and he drives a savvy...
u see?? he really loves his late wife...
he still marry her even they knew she was sick..
he was and still is loyal to her.. he took care of her.. tried his best to make her happy...

he is a great brother too... he never disappoint my mum ..
he is one of the reason we are where we are now..
he helped us to get where we are now...

owwwhhhhh... i just love my family...
in the sense of my big family.. my uncles aunties cousins and especially my parents and siblings :)

my life is perfect whenever they are around...
it's not about where we are but who we are with...
not necessarily at kampung, but anywhere in the universe, i'll be happy when they are with me...

i cant wish for more :D

so.. to be continued :)

Thursday, November 4, 2010

home sweet home~

it's not about where you are... but who you are with...
any place can be home when you are with people you love :)

just love to be home... with the people i love...

why today is a great day:

1. seronok dapat tengok muka abang... alone with him in the car, make me happy :) heart to heart talk...
2. dapat jog kat treadmill... yeay!
3. my room is awesome!!! really awesome!! seriously teramat sangat cantik ok :)
4. dapat catch up ngan yanie... i'm so proud of her :D dia dapat anugerah pengawas harapan.. WOW!
5. fetch kakak with ayah's car... was amazed with what that car can do :)
6. makan kerang rebus dengan mama ayah n kakak :)
7. ayah was so excited all of us are home.. he wants us to go out for dinner together.. as a complete family :)
8. watch movie with everyone :)

my life is so perfect... i cant wish for more...

so.. to be continued :)

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


first of all.. i've done it..
i've distance myself with him...

finally i can sleep...

u know.. since last saturday, i've been sleeping after 2 every night..
what i did??

1. sy lipat baju... lebih dari 200 baju ok!
2. it took two days n nights..
3. i have to find all the name of students who bill to their account.. since the account department people said they cant find those people.. because the students only wrote their short name..
4. there's more than 200 students.. n i have to look from list of the whole students in ktj...
5. i wrote note for each shirt... i mean it.. each student who bought that t shirt got a note from me.. just imagine the work~

finally... i'm done :)
only naquiah left.. malas dah ah nak sambung~

so.. to be continued :)