
Sunday, November 7, 2010


i miss my hometown... teramat sangat...

hari jumaat lepas, abang ajak pergi tengok wayang hari sabtu...
kat alamanda... i already said yes..
petangnye, kakak ajak pergi midvalley cari kasut hari sabtu..
n again, i said yes..

malam tu, baru lah fikir..
eyhhh... macam mane nak pergi dua2...

ntah macam mane... mama ajak balik kampung hari sabtu...

first, kakak n abang will accept my excuse... i cant go out with them on saturday...
second, i really really really miss kampung...

kat kampung, disebabkan terlalu banyak kasih sayang, saya yanie kakak n adik tido dalam kepanasan... hahhahahhaha... LOL

ok... i know it's weird, but my kampung has air conditioner...
so, of course we use blanket..
dalam jam 2 lebih, disebabkan mama sayang kami, dia selimutkan kami lagi... sebab dia kata kami tido meringkuk.. terlalu sejuk...
dan entah jam berape, my auntie teramat sayangkan kami, selimutkan kami lagi... kali nie bukan selimut nipis biasa.. dia selimutkan dengan comforter yang sangat tebal..

tengah2 tido, saya rasa macam...
apakah?? panas nye...

kasih sayang yang menghangatkan... LOL

ramai jgak ada kat kampung tadi... ingat tak pakcik saya yang isteri dia meninggal sehari sebelum tasputra dinner tu?
haaaa... pakcik saya yang tu ada pagi tadi :)
dia datang semata mata sebab mama balik kampung...

bila dengar kesah dia... terharu teramat sangat..
he still trying to get over his late wife...
ok... he has a big house at shah alam.. a really big house..
like syahir's i think...
he has a porsche.. he drove that car before...

but now, he's not living in his mansion and he dont drive his porsche anymore...
because he said he'll cry...
he lives at some small apartment and he drives a savvy...
u see?? he really loves his late wife...
he still marry her even they knew she was sick..
he was and still is loyal to her.. he took care of her.. tried his best to make her happy...

he is a great brother too... he never disappoint my mum ..
he is one of the reason we are where we are now..
he helped us to get where we are now...

owwwhhhhh... i just love my family...
in the sense of my big family.. my uncles aunties cousins and especially my parents and siblings :)

my life is perfect whenever they are around...
it's not about where we are but who we are with...
not necessarily at kampung, but anywhere in the universe, i'll be happy when they are with me...

i cant wish for more :D

so.. to be continued :)

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