
Wednesday, November 10, 2010


i've just finished all my AS papers...
econs paper 1 was the last one..

after i got back to the house, as usual my friends would come to my room....
mira tanye..

"afiqah, lepas nie nak buat ape? tido ah tak nak bangun2... hahhahhaha"

eerrrrkkkk... ok.. good idea..
tapi kan, saya memang dah teramat sangat bosan tido...
kalau anda tak tau... saya demam sangat teruk baru2 nie...
lepas balik dari exeat hari tu...

my fever was really bad that i cried in the middle of the night...
cause it was so painful.. my headache.. body ache.. flu.. cough..
to add with, part of my body was cold and part of it was hot...
i seriously didnt know what my body wants...

selimut, rasa panas... tapi kaki n tangan sejuk plak...
tak pakai selimut, sejuk menggigil...
kalau kat rumah, mama ayah akan amik turn untuk jaga saya...
yanie akan rasa dahi tangan kaki n badan... kalau kaki sejuk, dia pakai kan stokin.. kalau dahi panas dia letakkan sapu tangan basah...

alhamdulillah hari nie saya sehat :)
bleh jawab exam dengan biasa...

so, what i'm gonna do next?
first, i already did my hair... buat lah tocang ke ape...
then, i wanna on9.. stalk everyone...
then, i wanna walk this evening... owwhh... i havent jog for 5 days already!
then, i wanna do my maths :D

ok... that's all the plan for now...

so.. to be continued :)

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