
Saturday, February 19, 2011

values in life

In my family, everyone is instilled with values that shape us now. They are :

  1. Kalau makan jangan ada bunyi. Maksudnye, makan tutup mulut. Atau pun kalau nak minum sup, jangan hirup kat sudu. Sebab bunyi tu dikatakan tak senang untuk didengar. Nak minum sup, masukkan satu sudu terus dalam mulut.
  2. Jangan hayunkan tangan ketika jalan.
  3. Perkataan-perkataan yang tak sopan tak boleh disebut di rumah. Seperti bodoh, bongok dan sebagainye.
  4. Maksimum waktu menonton tv tidak lebih dari sejam sehari. Sebab tu adik beradik kami tak de yang pakai spectacle :D
  5. Jalan kaki kena lurus. Dalam erti kata laen, jangan jalan kenkang (macam nie ke ejaan dia?).
  6. Kalau kita makan sesuatu dan ada orang nampak, MESTI offer orang tu. Sebab tu saya rasa agak pelik orang makan dalam 1 kumpulan tapi tak offer orang laen. Tak semestinye saya nak apa yang dia makan cuma rasa pelik bila tak dioffer.
  7. Jangan cakap sesuatu yang tak bermakna. Macam cakap sesuatu yang menampakkan ketidakbijaksanaan anda. Sebab tu saya lebih suka diam dari bercakap dengan orang yang kurang kenal. I still remember this one incident when I was standard 5 and there was an open house at my house. I was doing something in the kitchen and my cousin helped me. I was trying to make a conversation with her and said, “eyh, awal kak n*r*l sampai”. And guess what? Saya ditegur sebab cakap mende tak sepatutnye. They said when I asked that question like I don’t want her to arrive early. Jujur la kan, saya tak de maksud macam tu langsung. I just accept the fact that I don’t have social skill.
  8. Jangan pijak katil atau tilam. Kecuali kalau anda yakin kaki anda bersih.
  9. Kalau makan, jangan gaulkan nasi dengan lauk. You know right what I mean? Unless it’s meant to be eaten that way. Like nasi kerabu, u have to mix everything but still, we are not advisable to do that.
  10. Prioritise your family first. All the time. I have a story to go with this point. Ok. masa saya masih bersekolah, setiap cuti akhir tahun kami sedara mara akan tukar-tukar anak. Kalau tak pun, semua cousin saya akan tinggal kat kampung. Ada sekali nie saya dan abang ikut kakak sulung mama. Melancong 1 malaysia kalau tak silap. Pada 1 masa nie ada ada 1 je gula-gula lebih dan saya offer aunty saya tu. Dan abang pun kata dia nak gula-gula tu. Saya kata kat abang jangan, biar saya bagi aunty saya. Di situ la aunty saya tegur, sentiasa lebihkan family terdekat dan kawan datang selepas tu. Pertama sekali mama ayah, then adik beradik, kemudian pakcik makcik dan seterusnye sedara mara dan akhir sekali yang laen-laen. I still remember the exact way she said it.
  11. Don’t laugh so hard. It’s not nice to see girls laugh out loud. Tapi yang nie, dah kurang sikit diamalkan. I used not to laugh much but since I got here at ktj and met syamim, I change. Syamim loves to laugh so hard and to admit, I don’t really like it at first. I mean to see girls laugh so hard. But now, I love it :D I love to laugh :D tapi kat rumah tak berape boleh. Nanti kene tegur.
  12. Yang paling penting, nilai kasih saying antara kami :D we always love the young ones. For example, if I only have RM10 and my younger sister need RM10, I’ll give her. That’s what my brother would do too. Anything for the family. Not just money, but other things too. Owh, I have a better example. My cousin, kak A come from a rich family. So, she has lots of nice stuff right. my second cousin, kak B come from not a really rich family. So, she always like stuff that my kak A has. Macam-macam sangat. Macam gelang yang mak dia belikan kat overseas, baju kurung yang cantik-cantik dan accessories yang cantik-cantik. Kak B selalu mintak dari kak A dan kak A bagi je walaupun dia sangat sayang mende2 tu. Dia kata, kak B tu dah macam adik dia sendiri. Kalau adik2 minta apa2, kita kene bagi. I learn a lot from kak A. Some of values here were taught by her.
  13. If elderly gives you advice and you don’t agree with them, don’t argue. Just keep it to yourself.

These values have been instilled in us since we were young but my parents have stop doing it since we left school. However, since they are already old and after all the hard work raising 4 children, my youngest sister dont really get it all. But then, she is born as a good girl. We, the bother and sisters help my parents helping her getting it.

However, with all the friends influences, some of us don’t really practice all the values all the time. i don’t really practice all the values though. It may seems our life is boring as everything is being control. The truth is, we are very happy. The values just make us more polite I guess. and somehow make us a more loving person.

so.. to be continued :)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

muslim are shallow? think again...

What do you think about someone who condemn other religion? Unless if you are an atheist , I bet you will not like it even if it’s not your religion being condemn.

When I was form 5, my friends and I like to gather in a group and talked about religion. Our own religion. Nevertheless you are Christian, Buddhist, Hindu or muslim. None of us question anyone’s belief.

As much as I don’t like others condemn my religion, I don’t like to condemn other’s as well. Same goes about my country. When I read blogs or hear anyone say bad things about Malaysia, I somehow don’t feel easy about it. Especially if Malaysian do it. Yeah, I agree Malays are lazy. The prime minister’s wife spend lots of the country’s money which we, the people don’t find it necessary. Yeah, I have to agree with all that facts as I’m trying not to live in denial. But when you compare Malaysia with other country, I somehow don’t like it.

You may like living in the UK, US or Singapore. But what I can say, how great those country are, they can never be a better home than Malaysia. If you want to argue about development, yeah they are better. But the feeling of being home, Malaysia is the place :D

Today is valentine’s day. The whole world is celebrating it in the name of love. However, I don’t really keen about today. Since I was in secondary school I’ve been told not to celebrate this day. Cikgu siap panggil penceramah lagi. And I read lots of articles why we the muslim shouldn’t celebrate it. As it involve element of religion in it. But somehow, I’m not against people who celebrate it. As I don’t against muslim who don’t wear tudung, I also don’t against muslim who celebrate valentine’s day.

My mum always tell me not to create any perspective on someone just with the way they dress, the way they talk, the way they socialise or whatever they do. In another word, don’t be judgemental. What really fresh in my mind is when my mum told me that who use the word bodoh, bongok or any other word that I find harsh, doesn’t mean they are barbaric. Not everyone like me. Actually those words are normal and I’m the one who don’t use it, which i was never allowed to use it and I don’t want to.

What my mum told me, He gives guidance to whom He wants to. My mum gave nur kumalasari as an example. She used to be a very sexy singer which is nothing like she is now. A very religious person. What my mum was trying to tell me, I may condemn someone being sexy but we never know that person may be given guidance by Him and I may still being me the okay okay practice muslim. That’s why, we shouldn’t easily being sceptical. I used not to like to see young couple hugging or holding hands in public but what my sister told me, try to be positive. They may be married. My mum said that may be their test. I may not be tested in that way. So, it’s between them and God. Dont have negative thought about them.

So today, I read this post about what one of my muslim collage mate thinks about muslim. I repeat myself, she commented about MUSLIM and not islam. She wrote about how unloving muslim are. How shallow muslims are. Muslim don’t care about unfortunate people in Africa, Autistic children, about the illiterate and others who need our attention. Her argument was about valentine’s day actually. My interpretation about her comment was, how shallow muslim are that they cant accept valentine’s day and accept the world as it is now. Like people have sex before marriage all the time. People use the f word in all their sentences. And other practices against islam’s teaching. If I’m not mistaken she emphasis on the point how muslim cant tolerate with other religion. Muslim are rigid and they cant accept other religion than islam. Again, that’s just my interpretation.

Like I mentioned before, I try my best not to live in denial. I’ve just watched a debate on should Americans fear islam which I got the link from akuanakazman’s blog. In that debate, one of the panel mentioned that there are more than 1.5 billion muslim in the world. Don’t you think somehow you are being too general when you are giving statement about muslim? you can say, muslim who are Malaysian. At least it narrow down your subject.

I know those people as she mentioned exist but surprisingly, I’ve never met that kind of person. I just hear stories about them. The most religious person I’ve ever met and befriend with I think would be madihah and kak shahira(my naqibah). Trust me, they are not even close to what she mentioned above.

There are various ways to convey your message. the core of the subject is vital to your argument and I think the way you deliver it is important too. I don’t think you will be attracted to islam if the preacher keep on using harsh words right? Good news may seems like a bad news if you say it wrongly right?

My point here is try our best not to abuse our freedom of speech. everyone has their own opinion and want to tell the world about it just like what I’m doing right now. But choose the right method to convey it. I know it’s hard to please everyone but try our best not to touch other religions and other races sentiment. I like being a malay as I was taught to use descent words and proper language. If that’s what she means by muslim girls don’t have good communication skill and cant speak up as they were taught to be shy, I like it. I like the fact that we were taught to be shy. But that doesn’t mean I cant accept whose not.

so.. to be continued :)

Saturday, February 12, 2011

today is saturday... you know, i think the teacher who made the timetable purposely put one of my subject on saturday.. i only have one class... if i dont have, i can go home every friday after break :D cause i dont have class after break :D

so, i got this message from wafi and lilian this morning that they got message from mehul saying mr hughes cancel our class for today... so, i dont have any class for today!! yeay!

i was thinking about going home though :D but then, what about my aim not to go home often? you know what, i was thinking about passing the petronas and university cutoff point and all but appeal to petronas to continue my study locally... the long chinese new year break make me more homesick :(

but then, there's no turning back.. that's what mira said to me... now is not the time to think about it, either study locally or overseas... i should think about it before i came here...

this morning, lilian called me.. kinda weird actually... i dont know, i just find it weird for her wanting to meet me without telling me why...
so, since i dont have class, i woke up late this morning... i woke up just because lilian wanted to see me...
she turned up with liyana... serious tahap keseganan yang sangat tinggi...
imagine you just woke up and two of your friends see your messy face and all...

ok, back to my meeting with lilian... it become weirder that she gave cookies... owwwhhhhh... so nice of her... and weird...

so, yesterday my classmate asked me about my university choices... either i have made my mind or not... i told him i wanna make lancaster as my firm... and insurance, i havent decide yet... maybe i said lancaster just because i dont want to go to the same uni as him since i was furious with him about his reaction when i wanna tell him about my sister's life as an auditor... but what he said totally make sense cause i think i've told them about it thousand of times... no wonder he react that way... i'm such a kid... mende remeh macam nie pun nak amik kira...

but then, i check the UK map and it turned up to be, lancaster is the nearest university that i've got that close to my brother's university... plus i havent heard anyone here wanna go to lancaster... what i know, if i'm not mistaken asyiq and tasnim made lancaster as insurance...

the way i say it like my brother is already there... actually he's still here, Insya-Allah he'll fly with me.. he has accepted the offer and all... my parents choose to send him there because his close friend just graduated there and plus, it'll be easier for them to visit us...

at first abang applied at this one university at australia... just imagine if he study there... my parents have to go to australia and UK every year... it will be costly...

so far, i like all the arrangements my parents made :) abang and i will be there and yanie will turn up in the UK during my third year of study... and her university option isnt that far from us :)

so.. to be continued :)

Saturday, February 5, 2011

CNY break :D

as you know, both of my sisters are not home now...
and i guess you know that my parents are felling guilty with the fact that i'm not going with them...

so, my parents wanna go overseas as well... but a vacation that wont cost that much...
first, my dad wanted to book rooms at hadnyai... i guess we were too late, there was no room available.. dah nak book sehari sebelum... memang la susah nak dapat bilik...

then, ayah look for rooms at singapore... we were lucky there was 2 rooms available... itupun different floor.. tapi tak pe, nak cuti punye pasal sanggup je...

first when we reached the hotel, there was a cute philipine butler welcomed us... owwwhhh~~~ dia sangat cute~ tapi rasa segan dalam diri masih cukup tebal untuk ambil gamba dengan dia...
i shared a room with kakak, mama ayah stayed at the other room...

since my sister was too tired, we let her sleep that evening...
what i did? huh... sudah pasti ke gym :D

in the enjoyment of jogging and cycling at one spot, mama asked me to go with her...
then, we went to the beach... pantai yang berlatar belakang kan kapal2 mega...
berdepankan highway yang penuh dengan kereta tanpe henti...
tapi memang cantik lah tempat dia... walaupun diaorang sangat terhad tanah, apa diaorang ada memang dah cukup...

that night we went to ION shopping center...
at first we called it ion as in positive and negative ion like in chemistry...
the next morning when my dad said we want to go to ion shopping complex, the taxi driver make a face like *where is that place? even i'm a singaporean never heard of that place*...

then, the taxi driver said, "do u mean i-on (pronounce like i mean saya and on means atas)?"...
we all laughed... segan pun ada sebenarnye :D hehheehe

this shopping complex was the thing that impressed me so much... it makes malaysia's achievements look small... they actually have another city underground... serious tak tipu...
dan ia adalah teramat sangat hebat... macam 5 tingkat bawah tanah kot... memang hebat ah...
like we were in different world... i know the stores are norm but the fact that we were 5 floors underground was just awesome!

we cant really shop cause most of the goods are designer goods... my mum just bought a handbag... and we bought some desert from a really exclusive tea store... u know what, a glass of tea from that store cost u at least 20 dollar... perrggghhh... tapi desert dia ok :) masih mampu~

then, we check out and get ourself straight to the taxi stand where malaysian taxi takes passenger to johor... we were too tired to go back to arab street to buy the cloths mama wanted to buy at the first place...

at last, we get ourself home :D lucky my dad's car has a refrigerator... tak cair desert yang kakak beli tadi :)

so.. to be continued :)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

why i love my life~

1. i have my mum around me... always... my family never leave me in whatever situation..

2. my life has been a smooth sailing... i never really face any difficulties... everything start after i changed school to putrajaya... before putrajaya, i studied at sri serdang until i was standard 4... would u believe me if i say i never not be in the last class when i was at sri serdang? trust me, i wasnt a bright student.. except for math if i'm not mistaken... other subjects, i never really scored well... when i changed to putrajaya, luckily the head master was my mum's friend... he let all of us to be in the first class.. trust me, in putrajaya if you are a new student, you cannot get into first class... from there, i turned out to be a bright student after all.... how is that possible? i also dunno.. i manage to maintain my result until i finished my form 5... and now, i managed to secure a scholarship and hopefully to have a bright future... and a wonderful husband perhaps :D hahhaha

3. i have yanie to share all my worries...

4. ainun always around for me... since the incident hakim read my journal and spread the words to the whole school, i knew ainun is my BFF... when everyone ignored me, didnt want to talk to me, hate me... ainun being natural to me.. like nothing happened... instead of making fun of me and ignore me, she tried to correct the situation... no matter what i do, she always see me as her friend...

5. i have mira who never leave me no matter whatever comes... especially during OBS, STE and tasputra... during OBS, she was the one packed my stuff, carried me to base camp.. during STE, she bring food for every meal to our room since i was too tired to move to the dining hall... when i had t shirt problem, only mira and liyana stayed... others helped, but when i faced a really tough time, only both of them stayed... i will never able pay her deeds... jujur tak kan boleh...

6. i have a great roommate... befriend with her, she'll make you laugh... sometimes she may say something inappropriate but later you'll find what she said was the truth and you'll realise she was right...

7. there's no reason not to like about my life...

8. i have more than i need... i get too much love and never really face a severe financial difficulties... so far, mama ayah never disappoint me :D

basically, we can love our life if we want to... what matters is what in here (pointing at my head and heart)... we make our mind believe what we have is enough... make your heart accept whatever you get as a fate...

so.. to be continued :)

yanie n adik...

owwwhhh... i just read yanie's wall post at ayah's wall...
they are staying at royal suite... diaorg semua disambut meriah dengan bunga semua...
makan semua mewah2 teramat sangat...
dia kata macam kat tv... yang kene sambut meriah2 tu...
duduk mewah2....

now i'm officially envy them... hahhahhhaa
not really :D

so.. to be continued :)