
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

muslim are shallow? think again...

What do you think about someone who condemn other religion? Unless if you are an atheist , I bet you will not like it even if it’s not your religion being condemn.

When I was form 5, my friends and I like to gather in a group and talked about religion. Our own religion. Nevertheless you are Christian, Buddhist, Hindu or muslim. None of us question anyone’s belief.

As much as I don’t like others condemn my religion, I don’t like to condemn other’s as well. Same goes about my country. When I read blogs or hear anyone say bad things about Malaysia, I somehow don’t feel easy about it. Especially if Malaysian do it. Yeah, I agree Malays are lazy. The prime minister’s wife spend lots of the country’s money which we, the people don’t find it necessary. Yeah, I have to agree with all that facts as I’m trying not to live in denial. But when you compare Malaysia with other country, I somehow don’t like it.

You may like living in the UK, US or Singapore. But what I can say, how great those country are, they can never be a better home than Malaysia. If you want to argue about development, yeah they are better. But the feeling of being home, Malaysia is the place :D

Today is valentine’s day. The whole world is celebrating it in the name of love. However, I don’t really keen about today. Since I was in secondary school I’ve been told not to celebrate this day. Cikgu siap panggil penceramah lagi. And I read lots of articles why we the muslim shouldn’t celebrate it. As it involve element of religion in it. But somehow, I’m not against people who celebrate it. As I don’t against muslim who don’t wear tudung, I also don’t against muslim who celebrate valentine’s day.

My mum always tell me not to create any perspective on someone just with the way they dress, the way they talk, the way they socialise or whatever they do. In another word, don’t be judgemental. What really fresh in my mind is when my mum told me that who use the word bodoh, bongok or any other word that I find harsh, doesn’t mean they are barbaric. Not everyone like me. Actually those words are normal and I’m the one who don’t use it, which i was never allowed to use it and I don’t want to.

What my mum told me, He gives guidance to whom He wants to. My mum gave nur kumalasari as an example. She used to be a very sexy singer which is nothing like she is now. A very religious person. What my mum was trying to tell me, I may condemn someone being sexy but we never know that person may be given guidance by Him and I may still being me the okay okay practice muslim. That’s why, we shouldn’t easily being sceptical. I used not to like to see young couple hugging or holding hands in public but what my sister told me, try to be positive. They may be married. My mum said that may be their test. I may not be tested in that way. So, it’s between them and God. Dont have negative thought about them.

So today, I read this post about what one of my muslim collage mate thinks about muslim. I repeat myself, she commented about MUSLIM and not islam. She wrote about how unloving muslim are. How shallow muslims are. Muslim don’t care about unfortunate people in Africa, Autistic children, about the illiterate and others who need our attention. Her argument was about valentine’s day actually. My interpretation about her comment was, how shallow muslim are that they cant accept valentine’s day and accept the world as it is now. Like people have sex before marriage all the time. People use the f word in all their sentences. And other practices against islam’s teaching. If I’m not mistaken she emphasis on the point how muslim cant tolerate with other religion. Muslim are rigid and they cant accept other religion than islam. Again, that’s just my interpretation.

Like I mentioned before, I try my best not to live in denial. I’ve just watched a debate on should Americans fear islam which I got the link from akuanakazman’s blog. In that debate, one of the panel mentioned that there are more than 1.5 billion muslim in the world. Don’t you think somehow you are being too general when you are giving statement about muslim? you can say, muslim who are Malaysian. At least it narrow down your subject.

I know those people as she mentioned exist but surprisingly, I’ve never met that kind of person. I just hear stories about them. The most religious person I’ve ever met and befriend with I think would be madihah and kak shahira(my naqibah). Trust me, they are not even close to what she mentioned above.

There are various ways to convey your message. the core of the subject is vital to your argument and I think the way you deliver it is important too. I don’t think you will be attracted to islam if the preacher keep on using harsh words right? Good news may seems like a bad news if you say it wrongly right?

My point here is try our best not to abuse our freedom of speech. everyone has their own opinion and want to tell the world about it just like what I’m doing right now. But choose the right method to convey it. I know it’s hard to please everyone but try our best not to touch other religions and other races sentiment. I like being a malay as I was taught to use descent words and proper language. If that’s what she means by muslim girls don’t have good communication skill and cant speak up as they were taught to be shy, I like it. I like the fact that we were taught to be shy. But that doesn’t mean I cant accept whose not.

so.. to be continued :)

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