
Saturday, February 5, 2011

CNY break :D

as you know, both of my sisters are not home now...
and i guess you know that my parents are felling guilty with the fact that i'm not going with them...

so, my parents wanna go overseas as well... but a vacation that wont cost that much...
first, my dad wanted to book rooms at hadnyai... i guess we were too late, there was no room available.. dah nak book sehari sebelum... memang la susah nak dapat bilik...

then, ayah look for rooms at singapore... we were lucky there was 2 rooms available... itupun different floor.. tapi tak pe, nak cuti punye pasal sanggup je...

first when we reached the hotel, there was a cute philipine butler welcomed us... owwwhhh~~~ dia sangat cute~ tapi rasa segan dalam diri masih cukup tebal untuk ambil gamba dengan dia...
i shared a room with kakak, mama ayah stayed at the other room...

since my sister was too tired, we let her sleep that evening...
what i did? huh... sudah pasti ke gym :D

in the enjoyment of jogging and cycling at one spot, mama asked me to go with her...
then, we went to the beach... pantai yang berlatar belakang kan kapal2 mega...
berdepankan highway yang penuh dengan kereta tanpe henti...
tapi memang cantik lah tempat dia... walaupun diaorang sangat terhad tanah, apa diaorang ada memang dah cukup...

that night we went to ION shopping center...
at first we called it ion as in positive and negative ion like in chemistry...
the next morning when my dad said we want to go to ion shopping complex, the taxi driver make a face like *where is that place? even i'm a singaporean never heard of that place*...

then, the taxi driver said, "do u mean i-on (pronounce like i mean saya and on means atas)?"...
we all laughed... segan pun ada sebenarnye :D hehheehe

this shopping complex was the thing that impressed me so much... it makes malaysia's achievements look small... they actually have another city underground... serious tak tipu...
dan ia adalah teramat sangat hebat... macam 5 tingkat bawah tanah kot... memang hebat ah...
like we were in different world... i know the stores are norm but the fact that we were 5 floors underground was just awesome!

we cant really shop cause most of the goods are designer goods... my mum just bought a handbag... and we bought some desert from a really exclusive tea store... u know what, a glass of tea from that store cost u at least 20 dollar... perrggghhh... tapi desert dia ok :) masih mampu~

then, we check out and get ourself straight to the taxi stand where malaysian taxi takes passenger to johor... we were too tired to go back to arab street to buy the cloths mama wanted to buy at the first place...

at last, we get ourself home :D lucky my dad's car has a refrigerator... tak cair desert yang kakak beli tadi :)

so.. to be continued :)

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