
Saturday, February 12, 2011

today is saturday... you know, i think the teacher who made the timetable purposely put one of my subject on saturday.. i only have one class... if i dont have, i can go home every friday after break :D cause i dont have class after break :D

so, i got this message from wafi and lilian this morning that they got message from mehul saying mr hughes cancel our class for today... so, i dont have any class for today!! yeay!

i was thinking about going home though :D but then, what about my aim not to go home often? you know what, i was thinking about passing the petronas and university cutoff point and all but appeal to petronas to continue my study locally... the long chinese new year break make me more homesick :(

but then, there's no turning back.. that's what mira said to me... now is not the time to think about it, either study locally or overseas... i should think about it before i came here...

this morning, lilian called me.. kinda weird actually... i dont know, i just find it weird for her wanting to meet me without telling me why...
so, since i dont have class, i woke up late this morning... i woke up just because lilian wanted to see me...
she turned up with liyana... serious tahap keseganan yang sangat tinggi...
imagine you just woke up and two of your friends see your messy face and all...

ok, back to my meeting with lilian... it become weirder that she gave cookies... owwwhhhhh... so nice of her... and weird...

so, yesterday my classmate asked me about my university choices... either i have made my mind or not... i told him i wanna make lancaster as my firm... and insurance, i havent decide yet... maybe i said lancaster just because i dont want to go to the same uni as him since i was furious with him about his reaction when i wanna tell him about my sister's life as an auditor... but what he said totally make sense cause i think i've told them about it thousand of times... no wonder he react that way... i'm such a kid... mende remeh macam nie pun nak amik kira...

but then, i check the UK map and it turned up to be, lancaster is the nearest university that i've got that close to my brother's university... plus i havent heard anyone here wanna go to lancaster... what i know, if i'm not mistaken asyiq and tasnim made lancaster as insurance...

the way i say it like my brother is already there... actually he's still here, Insya-Allah he'll fly with me.. he has accepted the offer and all... my parents choose to send him there because his close friend just graduated there and plus, it'll be easier for them to visit us...

at first abang applied at this one university at australia... just imagine if he study there... my parents have to go to australia and UK every year... it will be costly...

so far, i like all the arrangements my parents made :) abang and i will be there and yanie will turn up in the UK during my third year of study... and her university option isnt that far from us :)

so.. to be continued :)

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