
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

why i love my life~

1. i have my mum around me... always... my family never leave me in whatever situation..

2. my life has been a smooth sailing... i never really face any difficulties... everything start after i changed school to putrajaya... before putrajaya, i studied at sri serdang until i was standard 4... would u believe me if i say i never not be in the last class when i was at sri serdang? trust me, i wasnt a bright student.. except for math if i'm not mistaken... other subjects, i never really scored well... when i changed to putrajaya, luckily the head master was my mum's friend... he let all of us to be in the first class.. trust me, in putrajaya if you are a new student, you cannot get into first class... from there, i turned out to be a bright student after all.... how is that possible? i also dunno.. i manage to maintain my result until i finished my form 5... and now, i managed to secure a scholarship and hopefully to have a bright future... and a wonderful husband perhaps :D hahhaha

3. i have yanie to share all my worries...

4. ainun always around for me... since the incident hakim read my journal and spread the words to the whole school, i knew ainun is my BFF... when everyone ignored me, didnt want to talk to me, hate me... ainun being natural to me.. like nothing happened... instead of making fun of me and ignore me, she tried to correct the situation... no matter what i do, she always see me as her friend...

5. i have mira who never leave me no matter whatever comes... especially during OBS, STE and tasputra... during OBS, she was the one packed my stuff, carried me to base camp.. during STE, she bring food for every meal to our room since i was too tired to move to the dining hall... when i had t shirt problem, only mira and liyana stayed... others helped, but when i faced a really tough time, only both of them stayed... i will never able pay her deeds... jujur tak kan boleh...

6. i have a great roommate... befriend with her, she'll make you laugh... sometimes she may say something inappropriate but later you'll find what she said was the truth and you'll realise she was right...

7. there's no reason not to like about my life...

8. i have more than i need... i get too much love and never really face a severe financial difficulties... so far, mama ayah never disappoint me :D

basically, we can love our life if we want to... what matters is what in here (pointing at my head and heart)... we make our mind believe what we have is enough... make your heart accept whatever you get as a fate...

so.. to be continued :)

1 comment:

four G said...

i like it..n i love my life to..