
Thursday, March 31, 2011


i always relate to what my mum used to tell me in every situation.

dulu, mama pernah kata. patut ke kita tak suka seseorang itu cuma sebab perbuatan dia yang sikit tu? contohnye, dalam masa 24 jam sehari, mungkin cuma 10 minit je dia sakit kan hati kita. dia buat perkara yang kita tak suka. and most of the time, she/he being nice to us.

wajar ke kita tak suka dia kalau macam tu?

from what i can see, every friendship must face ups and downs. mesti lalui keadaan terasa dan sakit hati sebelum boleh betul2 jadi kawan.

first phase:
both of you will be very close, because both of you will try to please each other.

second phase:
you guys are getting closer. more comfortable with each other. you tend to be yourself, where the most common statement come in play. "nobody is perfect". you show all your flaws.

third phase:
you will have a quarrel, about how difficult it is to accept your friend's attitude, habit or even physical appearance. this is the hardest part.

forth phase:
if you manage to go through phase 3, you guys will be good friends. if not, then both of you will go separate ways and maybe only say hye through facebook.

i've faced many relationships that manage to reach third phase and not further. maybe because i have flaws that's difficult to tolerate? maybe.

so, today in accounting class i told my teacher about a friend of mine. she's very nice to me and i dont really have anything against her. but somehow, lots of people dont like her.

i asked one of my friend, why? she said that some of her attitudes are unacceptable. i tried to describe about this particular friend of mine to my teacher and somehow, it sounds so wrong. i said to my teacher : "you can see that she'll be alone because no one want to talk or walk with her". i was describing her because that's what others do to her. people try to run away from her.

the way i said it like, i'm the one who treat her like that. actually i dont. she is extremely nice to me. and i always sit with her in math class. i never mean to say bad things about her, but i did. i just told my teacher about what i heard about her. but it sounds like that's what i think about her.

arrggghhhhh... nape lately nie afiqah macam sangat jahat? tak habis2 buat orang sakit hati. cuba kalau dia dengar, mesti dia sangat sedih. she trusted me.

sorry for the emo post. i know this past few days i've been posting emotional posts. i so dont like myself right now.

so.. to be continued :)

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