
Wednesday, March 2, 2011


gambar sekadar penyeri post. my parents :D

I had my first hanphone when I was standard 4. I didn’t ask for it. my parents gave it to me. When I was in standard 6, my class had a school trip to sunway lagoon if I’m not mistaken. When I was enjoying the theme park, someone took my phone from my bag. I cant describe to you how frighten I was. It turned out to be, my parents didn’t mind at all. Okay, it wasn’t that they didn’t mind. They just didn’t gave me any reaction.

The next week, my dad offered me a new phone :D but I said no. I didn’t had any phone until I was form 3. I had one just because my dad forced me to. he said it’s difficult for them to contact me. Huh. Like I’m living in boarding school. Hari-hari balik rumah kot (sekolah harian).

My first phone was the cheapest phone nokia can offer. It wasn’t that my parents wanted to give me that phone but I’m the one request for it. later on, my sister gave me a sony Ericson phone when I was in form 4. At that time, that phone considered as a good phone. BB and i phone were not famous yet.

I used that phone until I’m form 6. I treasure that phone. Maybe because that was my first good phone. Plus, I have lots of memory with it. especially pictures in that phone.

Dulu, ada kawan pinjam phone tu. saya guna phone saya lagi satu. Bukan sebab saya tak sayang phone sony tu. tapi ayah tak bagi saya pinjamkan phone saya lagi satu tu. dan saya pun yakin kawan saya tu akan jaga phone sony tu dengan baik. So, ok je. Tak kesah sangat.

Lagi sekali, ada sorang kawan saya yang laen pinjam phone sony tu. phone dia rosak tapi dia pakai kejap je sebab boyfriend dia suruh dia guna phone boyfriend dia. Tak kesah la.

Satu hari tu, saya bercerita tentang mesej2 dalam phone tu yang saya dah delete sikit demi sikit. Bila saya cerita, dia buat muka terkejut. Dia kata dia dah “delete all messages” dalam phone tu. sebab dia ingat cuma mesej dia je dalam phone tu. :O saya pulak buat muka terkejut. Tapi saya kata okay je kat dia. Memang about time pun saya delete mesej2 dalam phone tu. Cuma, mesej2 ainun, mama, yanie, kakak n abang yang saya sayang. Hurrmmm.... tak pe la. Nak buat macam mana. Perkara dah jadi.

At least saya masih ada phone tu lagi time tu. ada gambar2 kenangan dengan kawan2. Family. Bayangkanlah. Empat tahun punye kenangan.

Semalam saya tanye dia, dia dah pulangkan ke phone tu? dia jawab dah kot sebab tak de kat laci dia. Saya dah macam -.-‘ macam mana nie? Kalau dia dah pulangkan, saya tak tau phone tu kat mana. Saya pernah cari kat rumah n dalam bilik tapi tak de.

Saya masih ingat gambar saya dan ainun sebelum pergi jogathon sekolah. Time tu saya masih pakai braces. Suka sangat gamba tu. sekarang tinggal kenangan je.


so.. to be continued :)

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