
Wednesday, March 30, 2011


there was once, i met this quote.. or may i say bump into it?

"friend is a gift i give to myself"

i cant agree more with that statement.

so, guess what?
i just gave myself a gift! yeay me!
okay, now i would like to present to you the gift.
it is.... eyh, she is~~~

dapat teka tak siapa dia?
okay laaaa. i give you another clue.

haaaaa... now you can guess who she is..
dia lah putri nadhirah yang tinggal di rumah sebelah.

okay, now i wanna show you something sweet she did for me.

pink: "sorry, i'm a bit dirty"
yellow : "please take care of me"

sweetttttttttt takkkkkkk??
tolong cakap sweeeettttt. saya dah terharu sangat.

p/s : macam mana silent blogger? puas hati tak dengan post yang saya dedicate khas untuk awak :P

so.. to be continued :)

1 comment:

begins with P, ends with H said...

naseb baek muke tutop cik fiqah oi
anyways, thanks