
Wednesday, March 16, 2011


I screwed up my econs paper too :(

Semalam kata macam separuh nyawa demam. Hari nie tinggal suku je. Penat demam nie. mentally and physically. Alhamdulillah I’m in my recovery stage.

There’s always silver lining behind the cloud (betul ke idiom nie?). one thing I realise when I’m having fever, I appreciate the presence of my friends more.

First of all, of course my gratitude goes to mira who helped me during OBS and STE. Yeah if she wasn’t there, my other friends would help me. But she was there and she helped. Plus, she did lots of other stuff for me that I cant even describe how thankful I am with her presence.

credit to muq

Next, my roommate, Sabrina. She was the one who took care of me when I’m sick. There was this once I was really sick and I cant even stand on my own. She prepared all the medicine for me and she put a wet cloth on my forehead before she go to class. Baek kan dia? She’ll be such a great mom :D

i took this picture from her fb i think

Last but not least, hana and madihah. They never leave me alone. Whenever I’m down, hana always there to give me her positive charges :D she is extremely positive and extremely friendly. That’s why she has lots of close friends. Whenever I can only see bad side of something or someone, she’ll open the positive door. Let me see it in different perspective.

Madihah, she is just so fun. I can tell her anything. She wont judge. Plus, I always go jog with her and talk about movie with her :D she loves starstruck. jujur tak tipu :) if I’m down, she will absolutely never leave me alone. i can count on her. i never feel alone with what i do cause she always there to back me up. especially naquaih programme. or is it me back her up? hurrrmm.. either way.

gamba glamour sikit :) amik dari internet

Thanks to them :D

Yesterday, during dinner hana asked me a question.

"what do I feel when I see students here wear the smiley t shirt?"

The first thing occurred in my mind was, I’m embarrassed. I didn’t fulfil my promise. I was one or two months late. Then hana said, “don’t feel that way. You manage to give it at the end right?”. you see? She is extremely positive. Just lucky having her around.

The next thing occurred in my mind was, the whole process of it. who left me when I was at the peak of the problem and who came to help me to get it done. And when I felt like Allah talked to me. When I was at my lowest, I read the Quran to get my strength back. I randomly choose a page from translation of Quran. I read about the hardship our prophets face. The verse was about Allah trying to convince prophet Muhammad to be patience. The previous prophet faced harder times. About hardship prophet Musa and Nuh faced with their people. When I read that, I felt like Allah trying to tell me, sabar. He is there for me.

Ok, I’m done for now. Need to have more rest. Mama dah call suruh rehat dan makan ubat.

so.. to be continued :)

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